A New Believer

Script - Faith


SAT 1:15 Theater 1


About Mia, a 12 year old girl, and a very strong Christian her dad, late 30’s early 40s James Smith, who was once a church loving child himself until his mother passed away from cancer when he was 12. Leaving him to live with his new found alcoholic father who also stopped in his belief after his other son Donald, was killed in an accident. Neither father nor son couldn't understand how a loving God could allow such things to happen to them, and so they fell out of the life as a believer, always searching for answers he could not find on his own….until.

Writer - Ellie Mae Smith

Ellie Mae Smith is a 11 year old from Surprise AZ. This is her second script for film, her first being a full feature film that also included help from a few other professionals. Hope which is filming in Orlando Florida in Jan 2023 with JC Films. She has been acting now for three years, has been in 3 films and 8 theatre performances.

Writer Statement

I want to thank you for your consideration into this film festival, this is my dream, and I will continue to grow as I receive feedback from others in this industry. I appreciate this platform to help us all get better and share our dreams!