Sacajawea- A Mother’s Journey



SAT 1:15 Theater 1


A teenage mother travels home with white men and a Black slave with her abusive, alcoholic husband who rescued her from poverty and starvation. She must decide whether the life of wealth and prosperity her explosive husband provides or remaining with her nomadic family tribe involved in deadly territorial wars is best for herself and her child.

Writer - Beverly Nault

Beverly Nault has written screenplays that have risen to the highest awards, including one of the top 3 screenplays in the 2023 Showlow International Film Festival. She began as a professional technical writer and added creative writing to her resume in 2011 when her fiction series was published at the same time as her memoir collaboration with Mary McDonough, who was Erin on THE WALTONS television show LESSONS FROM THE MOUNTAIN (Kensington). Bev's books have received awards ranging from The Ella Dickey Literary Award to Real Simple's Best Summer Reads. Her screenplays have received both writer and screenplay considers from major analysis services. Bev's an active member of the Phoenix Screenwriters Association and writes for their monthly newsletter.