We meticulously select only the top 100 film projects, as recommended by our distinguished judges, to be showcased at WME Theater Village 8. If your project is chosen, you'll proudly stand among the Top 100 award winners! Don't miss your chance to shine, submit your Film or Script today!
VIP All-Access Pass: Unlock exclusive access to events and resources.
Full-Color Program Book: Receive one with each VIP Pass in your party.
Networking Parties: Connect with industry leaders and fellow filmmakers.
Red Carpet + Press Event: Show off your best threads and share your film on the Red Carpet with our hostesses.
Industry Workshops: Enhance your skills with hands-on learning experiences.
Festival App: Up-to-date information on your schedule, all parties, restaurants, and more.
Awards Ceremony: All of our festival selections are winners. Join us at our upscale Awards Ceremony on Sunday to see which Award(s) you’ve won!