Bound By Blood

Short 6:30


Wounded brothers Jay and Roy make their way through the eerie woods, hunting a beast that has noticeably taken a lot from them.
The bloody duo race against time, seeking to kill the monstrous creature that roams through the wilderness, before they eventually become just like it.

Director - David Estrada Suarez

David Estrada Suarez is a Mexican writer-director from Mesa, Arizona.

Born in Sonora Mexico, David Estrada Suarez's family immigrated him as an infant, to the United States in late 1997. His fascination with cinema arrived very early on when his father would arrive home from work with bags full of video cassette movies that neighboring department stores would set out for the dump.

Always the class clown and ever the storyteller to all his childhood friends and family, David didn't set out to become a filmmaker until his high school years. It wasn't until a Creative Writing teacher named Ms.Woods, discovered the spark in him and persuaded him to follow his dreams of becoming a filmmaker.

David recorded all kinds of short films with his friends and wrote many short stories throughout his final years in high school.

After graduation, David was unable to attend college due his legal status in the country at the time. However, David did not let this deter his goal of becoming a successful writer-director. He continued his film and writing education in books, online videos and articles and through local filmmakers who would become good mentors and eventually collaborators in David's early career.

Years went by and David continued writing, shooting student films and even started a family. With very minimal resources, David sought to make his first official short film, applying what he had learned up to that point in early 2022.

David wrote, directed and starred in his horror short film "Time Off" along friends and family as cast, and shot the entire film in his home and neighborhood. It was a great learning experience and a personal success to David.

Mistakes were made, solved and learned from in the making of "Time Off". All necessary steps for David to enhance his creative and problem solving skills.

David released "Time Off" in the summer of 2022, then immediately began pre production on his next project...
"Bound By Blood".

Director Statement

I came up with the premise for "Bound By Blood" as a quick short story that I could film to gain some practice in shooting in an exterior setting with natural light. All in preparation for an upcoming horror western I have planned.

However as I began the screenplay for "Bound By Blood" I quickly discovered that the story was so much more than just a quick practice movie.

The characters came to life to me and became more complex than just two brothers in the woods hunting a monster. It didn't feel like a basic horror-action movie anymore that I was doing just for fun.

The story and characters demanded respect and a deeper exploration. The brothers obviously had an untold tragic backstory, inferred within the world building, but not only that, the imminent decisions they make for the sake of love and protecting their fellow sibling became very enticing and sympathetic to me, being a little brother myself.

The characters Jay and Roy speak for themselves in their dialogue and expressions within the actual film, but I believe I couldn't write this film without thinking how I would react in a terrifying situation like this with my own brother.