
Short 14:17


dis·charge | \ ˈdis-ˌchärj
1. the act of doing a task or duty that you must do:
2. to fire a gun
3. to relieve of or release from something that burdens or confines

As his world begins to crumble around him, a troubled police detective, who has tried to ignore the effects of trauma he suffered, must finally confront his past in order to begin healing and reclaim his present

Director - Ryan Metcalf

Director Statement

“Discharge,” was born during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Living alone, and therefore finding myself in isolation most of the time because of the lockdown, I joined an online artistic group coaching program, not only to give me something to do, but to also provide me with a virtual community of like-minded people.
As part of the program, I came up with a concept scene showcasing me in a role that casting directors could easily see me playing, thereby providing me with brand new footage to emerge with when the entertainment industry started up again after being shut down for months.
However, after working on the character and concept, I realized that the theme of dealing with the effects of traumatic stress that I was funneling into the script, were coming out of me as a way of expressing the feelings of isolation and PTSD I had within me – intensified, and yet all bottled up, because of COVID. So, the original intention of producing just an isolated demo scene grew into a proper short film.
It is my wish that this now-personal fictional story might resonate, touch, or even offer some hope to those who view it.
Ken Schwarz
"Discharge" Writer, Producer, Actor