
Short 16:56


Lucy, a broken girl with a past she doesn't even want to remember, and Aidan, the misunderstood boy, meet in the most unusual place; the Vejove Center for Mental Illness and Addiction Therapies, where they help each other fight to overcome their inner demons, find their north in life, and survive the struggles of living at the Center under the care of their number one enemy, Dr. Mallory Campbell.

Director - Eleni Doucas

Eleni Doucas is a filmmaker based in Miami, Venezuela and Greece, her forte’s and passion landing in producing, writing and directing. She graduated with honors from the New York Film Academy in early 2019 and is currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Miami, she is set to graduate in mid 2024. Doucas usually teaches filmmaking workshops at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela and works with her partners at Cineastic Zone in various projects across multiple film related disciplines. She produced the controversial 2018 short film: Plutus, which was selected to 4 film festivals, arriving as a semi-finalist at the Student Los Angeles Film Awards. Eleni has worked in various film and music video sets in different positions and is currently building her body of work as a producer and director.

Director Statement

In a world buzzing with constant noise and fleeting interactions, I've always been captivated by the unexpected moments of genuine connection and the profound kindness that strangers can offer one another.

How do we bond and truly see one another when life's regular distractions are stripped away, and we're laid bare to our essence?

Polaris, this story, dives deep into the heartbeats and whispered secrets of those within rehab centers and mental institutions. I've often pondered: Why does our society, in its complex web of values, label those brave souls seeking healing and self-betterment as 'freaks' or outsiders? Why do we shame them instead of celebrating their courage and resilience?

Through the lens of this narrative, I wish to give voice to these often-silenced individuals, illuminating their struggles and triumphs. My hope is that, in sharing this tale, we can cultivate a richer understanding and deeper empathy for those who brave the battle within, seeking light amidst their shadows.